Wednesday, March 31, 2021



Maulid Nabi Muhammad ﷺ kadang-kadang Maulid Nabi atau Maulud saja, adalah peringatan hari lahir Nabi Muhammad ﷺ, yang di Indonesia perayaannya jatuh pada setiap tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal dalam penanggalan Hijriyah. Kata maulid atau milad dalam bahasa Arab berarti hari 

SEMOGA KITA SELALU BISA MENDAPATKAN SYAFAAT BAGINDA NABI MUHAMMAD SAW AMIN --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:




HARTA YANG SHOLEH DIMILIKI ORANG YANG SHOLEH Ngaji bareng bersama KHR. Ach Azaim ibrahimy dan GUS BAHA --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:


Friday, March 19, 2021

LASIK Eye Surgery

 LASIK Eye Surgery

The term LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileuses. LASIK eye surgery is a medical procedure performed on a patient who has eye problems. These eye problems can be any of the following: being farsighted or nearsighted, and astigmatism. Furthermore, LASIK  eye surgery is performed so that a person with any of the aforementioned eye problems would not have to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. 

Nowadays, LASIK eye surgery is one of the most common medical procedures that an eye doctor performs on a patient. Once a  patient decides to undergo this kind of surgery, the shape of the cornea will be permanently changed. This is because a rounded “flap” is created on the cornea. Afterwards, with the use of laser or an instrument called the ‘microkeratome’, there is a part of the eye which will be vaporized to correct the eye problem. 

LASIK eye surgery has become quite popular in the medical circle because of its painless-free operation. One more advantage that it has over other medical procedures to correct an imperfect vision is: the results are instantaneous. Right after the operation, you just need to let a day or two pass and you will see a definite improvement with your vision. 

However, there are some disadvantages to this type of medical procedure. First, the rates can be quite steep so you better check with your eye doctor or ophthalmologist if you plan to undergo such a surgery. Second, just like any other medical operation, there are complications that the patient may suffer in the aftermath of the operation. Third, some job types will not allow an employee to undergo any form of eye surgery. 

If you decide to go for LASIK eye surgery, you need to do your part and research so that you will know everything about the procedure. Also, have a thorough talk with your doctor so  that you would know what to do before the operation. Finally, you can ask about the results and improvements with your vision problem right after your LASIK eye surgery.  

About Frustration


What is Frustration?

It is a feeling of disappointment and discomfort aroused in the mind of human beings only when something has went wrong with them or they are not able to achieve the goals that they had set for themselves. In every ten people seven are affected by it and out of them three are severely affected. It is a mental feeling that is growing like other dangerous diseases such as AIDS. 

In today’s competitive scenario every person has his targets that he wanted to achieve timely and if he is not able to achieve his targets he is frustrated. This frustration can affect the mind in negative way in which person’s thinking power gets slowed down. Frustration led a person a take wrong decisions and as a result of which he is not able to come with innovative ideas. His creativity gets stopped down. He is not able to achieve all his targets and is left with only his uncompleted plans and unachieved targets. Such a frustrated person goes far away from reality. 

How this feeling of frustration does arise?

Firstly the feeling of frustration is aroused in human beings when they are not able to achieve the targets that they had set for themselves. Secondly the feeling of frustration is aroused when they compare themselves with others and find that they are lacking behind while others had made a rapid progress but they had remained where they were earlier. This causes frustration in them. When the people misinterpret their capabilities and set those targets which are far away from their potentials. They just compare themselves with those who are more educated or are equipped with high potential or more resources and then set their target up to those levels where they factually could never reach. And then when they are not able to meet their targets they get frustrated. 

It is the fact that everyone on this earth are not born with same potential and have same abilities and in same area. If they misinterpret their functional area and start their career in line in which they are weak or the line which is not meant actually for them. Then this results in frustration on the condition of being not achieving the targets. Example: Some people enjoy the post of CEO in reputed companies just because they are born in high society and rich family even though they are not that much talented while others although they are more qualified and talented struggles hard to acquire he middle class jobs also. If common man does not make effort to remove these types of social injustices then this led to frustration in them. The involvement of large number of young persons in activities like terrorism is also an outcome of frustration.

Laser Hair Treatment


With special mention to the various technologies of today, the usual unattended abnormalities for human features are slowly being given emphasis, one of which is Hair Removal. Excessive hair in various parts of the human body have become a bane for most people, especially the females, who have to resort to the traditional ways of taking out unwanted hair from their bodies. With the fruits of technology vastly being developed, such issues have been given the proper study and treatments have become numerous and welcome to people who consider such discomforts something critical in their daily lives, especially for people who are very much particular about their appearance.

Hereditary Growth Issues and Abnormal Growth

People expect to land some hereditary traits passed on from their genes, and hair growth is something that goes along with this. All people, from teenagers to the adults consider such traits as a bane, having to attend to them regularly and take out these unwanted hair growth. Many have tried various techniques presented, largely manual means and taking medically developed chemicals to be able to prevent excessive hair growth, but these have not proven to be effective, especially for people who are quite particular about time consumption from their daily lives. They have to allot a certain period of their day towards doing these manual and temporary ways of hair removal just to be able to satisfy what they want to project when they interact daily.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has provided the consumers with a technology-developed means of being able to answer one of their bodily concerns. There is not control that such hair growth issues can be answered through the use of the manual means of medication or practices. At first glance, laser removal may be considered as a painful process to the clueless people of today, but in reality, laser hair removal is truly a pain-less procedure. Perhaps the only painful thing about it is the costs that are involved but the benefits after undergoing such a procedure will help most consumers use that small time for something more worthwhile.

The procedure itself depends on the part of the body, which it shall be made. For example, an entire back can be done in 1 to 2 minutes or an upper lip in less than 10 seconds. Not bad considering that a lifetime of grief can be treated in such a short span of time.

People who seek Hair Removal 

Teenagers are in the period of transition where they are becoming more aware and conscious of their physical appearance. This especially holds true towards the female population. While some hormones may find some women having excessive hair on their legs, armpits and lips, these can be answered by laser hair treatment.

Ordinarily, all males would prefer to have excessive hair in most parts of their body to retain that macho man look. For some however, the definition of excess hair may not sit well. The male population as well, seeks laser hair medical treatment for one reason or another, like for athletes; comfort is their most common reason for having such excessive hair removed to be able to perform up to par in the competitions they participate in.

Not to be left out, pregnant ladies can expect excessive hair growth during their time of pregnancy. This is not an abnormal occurrence; it is natural in the sense that the sex hormones known as androgens are increased in the first trimester of the pregnancy periods. Applying laser hair removal is considered safe, but however painful at this stage due to the load that they already bear while they are in this stage. However, all these excessive hair growth are expected to disappear three to six months after giving birth.

Permanent Hair Removal

For most people who are tired of having to concern themselves with the excessive and abnormal growth of hair in various parts of their bodies, a permanent solution would be their immediate choice. Painless but costly, such a procedure would rid them of such problems and this would in turn be something worth their investment. Instead of having to rely on the temporary means of being able, to remove these unwanted hair growth in various parts of the body. Most people look towards permanent hair removal, and this is something that is really more realistic, especially for people who don’t want to be able to be burdened by minor problems as having to be bothered by hair growth. Permanent laser hair removal, expensive as it may seem but less painful serves as the logical answer to most people, who consider abnormal hair growth an issue for them. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021



HEALTHY TIPS FOR ADOLESCENTS WHEN MENSTRUATE --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:


Best Pre Workout - Make Your Workouts 50% Better with This One Supplement


Best Pre Workout - Make Your Workouts 50% Better with This One Supplement

One of the best ways to get an extra push in the gym is by using pre-workout supplements. Even though they sound like a great idea, it is easy to have trouble finding the best pre workout in the market. A great method interested individuals can use to go about the process would be finding pre-workouts with the best ingredients. The best pre workout supplement should have most, if not all, of the following ingredients.


Top 5 pre workout supplements

The main purpose of this ingredient is to ensure the user experiences explosive strength. However, anyone who wants to use it should not exceed 5 grams as part of their pre-workout.


Research has shown the ingredient to be in the best pre workout supplements in the market. Some of its benefits include helping the user with lower-rep workouts. In layman’s language, creatine assists muscles to get saturated with the energy source they need. It will ensure the muscles get the energy required for heavy lifts in lower rep-workouts.


Best pre workout protein shake

The optimal dose of beta alanine is anything from 1.5 grams to 5 grams. It is an ingredient designed to ensure an individual increases their muscular endurance. In the long run the user will improve their overall training volume.


This is the main reason why it is categorized as an ingredient crucial to any best pre workout supplement. It ensures the body is able to maintain intensity for longer periods during workouts. As a result the user gets more gains from more volume.


What's the best pre workout powder

These are also known as branched chain amino acids. BCAAs are crucial ingredients in any supplement that is classified as a best pre workout supplement. They are responsible for fostering an anabolic environment. In simple terms it means they are important in suppressing breakdown, increasing the synthesis and regulating metabolism of protein.


Valine, isoleucine and leucine are all BCAAs. Any supplement with a ratio of 1:1:2 respectively should be considered to be among the best pre workout supplements. It is important for the ratio to be correct for the supplement to work effectively.


Energy supplements for working out

Anything that is considered to be used in exercise or energy related activties should have some amount of caffeine. Since it is symbolic with energy, 200 to 500 milligrams of caffeine before a workout is recommended. Caffeine has been found to be a performance booster in short bouts of exercise, such as sprinting and endurance exercises.


Keep in mind that majority of studies show caffeine to increase a maximum of one repetition. However, it has been known to lower the perception of effort and rate of fatigue. The end result is an increase in workloads. It works the same way in sleep deprived situations.


Pre workout pump supplement

Each of the aforementioned ingredients has multiple benefits in various scenarios. Anyone who wants to purchase the best pre workout supplement should ensure they get one with at least one of the ingredients mentioned. Otherwise it may fail to meet the expectations of the user.


Timing is also crucial when using such supplements. Majority should be consumed at least 30 minutes before the workout. When such factors are considered the user will reap the most benefits from pre-workout supplements.

hopefully useful bye

leave your comments

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


    hi Bunda kali ini sahabat sehat akan membagikan bagaimana cara menyusui bayi yang baik dan banar sesuai standar kesehatan,dan juga libih dikhususkan kepada remaja yang baru menikah dan sudah mempunya anak pertama nah disini saya akan menjelaskan kepada kalian semua bagaiaman sich cara menyusui bayi yang baik dan benar, sehingga akan membuat nyaman sekaligus sehat buat ibu dan bayinya, nah jika bunda-bunda telah mampir ke blok HEALTHY ini maka bunda sebentar lagi akan tahu bagaiamana cara menyusui menempatkan posisi bayi yang baik dan benar silahkan bunda simak vidio di bawah ini ya agar mengerti bagaiamana caranya sehat bayi dan ibunya dalam hal menyusui.

bagaiaman bunda apakah telah paham dan mengerti dngan cara menyusui bayi yang baik dan benar ??? jika bunda mempunya pertanyaan terkait kesehatan jangan segan-segan untuk komen disini ya, insha Allah akan menemukan tentang keslitan masalah kesehatan bunda semua semoga pa yang ada disini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua dan masyrakat umum amin.

jangan lupa selalu ikuti kami disini akan banyk di bahas tentang kesehatan yang ada dan berbagai masalah kesehatan yang ada di masyarakat pada umumnya,,

SALAM SEHAT DARI SAYA semoga bisa menjadi edukasi yang baik sampai jumpa.


     HI....Sobat sehat dalam dunia karir tentunya bagi sebagian orang bekerja seharian bahkan lebih dari 8 jam perhari sangat membuat kita lelah bahkan sampai lupa untuk menjaga kesehatan kita tertama bagi kalian semua yang sedang bekerja penuh waktu, Nah kali ini saya akan membagikan kepada kalian smeua tentang bagaimana kita tetap menjaga keseimbangan tubuh kita dengan melakukan senam sederhana tapi manfaatnya luar biasa untuk kesehatan kita hanya butuh 3 menit saja untuk kalian melakukannya setiap hari, tenang saja ini tisak memakan banyak waktu kok hanya butuh rilexs sebentar dan lakukan setiap hari, untuk lebih jelasnya simak VIDIO di bawah ini :)

dan jangan lupa setelah kalian rutin melakukannya jangan sampai mengabaikan kesehatan lainnya seperti cek up rutin kesehatan anada ke klinik kesehatan atau kerumah sakit terdekat di rumah anda karena dengan melakukan pemeriksaan rutin kita akan tahu bagaiana keadaan kesehatan diri kita, ok SALAM SEHAT DAN TERIMAKASIH TELAH MAMPIR see you next tips sehat dari saya ,

Sunday, March 14, 2021

kesehatan remaja jegah anemia

kesehatan remaja jegah anemia👇


     assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarakutuh nah untuk kali ini sahabat sehat semua healthy akan memberikan edukasi kepada kalian semua khususnya kesehatan ibu dan anak disampaikan langsung oleh bidan koordinator kesehatan ibu dan anak puskesmas sumber wringin mari kita simak bersama vidio berikut semoga bermanfaat terimakasih salam sehat


    perilaku sehat saat bangun tidur pagi, apa sih yang perlu di lakukan agar saat kita bangun tidur kita bisa menjaga kesehatan kita mari simak vidi berikut semoga bermanfaat salam sukses

VAKSINASI COVID UNTUK LANSIA puskeams sumber wringin

     Bersama kami puskemas sumber wringin kali ini kami dengan tema baru seputar kesehatan untuk vaksinasi covid kepada lansia bagaimana dan seperti apa silahkan ikuti simak vidionya teriamaksih

Friday, March 12, 2021

Sholat Subuh jamiyah sholawat Bhenning


Sholatlah untuk selalu mengingat Allah SWT --- Support this podcast:





            Every one wants to be perfectly beautiful and to attain it people discover to change all those flaws. Cosmetic surgery is one sure way to have a perfect beauty but one must be open to the outcomes and dangers of the surgery. One has to find a good surgeon that would perform the operations to avoid complications. Hematoma is one, it occurs when blood collects under the skin, looking at first like a huge black and blue mark. Nerve injuries are rare but they can occur in the forehead or cheek, making the face flaccid and without expression on one side. The patient can vomit and risk congesting the lungs, or fluctuating blood pressure can result in sustained bleeding. Many people suffer from depression after surgery, partly because of the long-term after-effects of the anesthetics and painkillers they take.


            Implanting a highly purified form of soluble collagen just beneath the skin promises to change all that known as collagen implants, the new system came originally from search done at Stanford University, where scientist developed a new way of processing bovine collagen into an odorless, whitish substance with the consistency of soft paste.  Silicone is another substance, which can be injected into fine lines to smooth them out.


            The modern high-technology version of skin peels involves the use of chemicals such as salicylic acid, resorcin and –best-known- phenol and tricholoroacetic acid (TCA). They are designed to eliminate fine lines on the face and they work best on fair complexioned, thin- skinned people with fine wrinkles. TCA can be use to give only a light peel, taking off the outermost part of the epidermis. This is particularly helpful for removing uneven pigmentation when it is use in very light concentration, but it does little to alter the look of long-term wrinkles.


            Similar to a peel, dermabrasion can go beyond it in that it affects not only fine wrinkles but also deeper acne scars and sunspots. It can be use to treat frown lines, smile lines, vertical wrinkles, naso-labial lines and fine lines around the mouth. Dermabrasion is often use after a chemical peel on areas of the face that need further treatment.


            Port wine stains, strawberry birth marks and other disfiguring blemishes caused by abnormal concentrations of capillaries beneath the skin surface used to be a matter for concealment alone. The argon laser- a finely focused hot beam of light able to burn tissue at incredible speed and with exceptional precision can treat many of these disfiguration easily, painlessly and in the doctor’s office. The helium-neon laser is use cosmetically to improve the look of aging skin. It is not as dangerous as hot laser and tends to be use on specific points on the face many of which correspond to acupuncture points. This non-surgical lift consists of beaming these points with the laser light then directing it along facial lines on the forehead, around the eyes, facial lines and mouth.

Thursday, March 11, 2021



Maulid Nabi Muhammad ﷺ kadang-kadang Maulid Nabi atau Maulud saja, adalah peringatan hari lahir Nabi Muhammad ﷺ, yang di Indonesia perayaannya jatuh pada setiap tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal dalam penanggalan Hijriyah. Kata maulid atau milad dalam bahasa Arab berarti hari 

SEMOGA KITA SELALU BISA MENDAPATKAN SYAFAAT BAGINDA NABI MUHAMMAD SAW AMIN --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:


Wednesday, March 10, 2021






What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the science of using fragrant essential oils from trees and plants, natural herbs to enhance a person’s health and his beauty. The field of aromatherapy is becoming famous because people are looking for a better solution to new days emerging diseases as an alternate to existing system of medicine in allopathic, ayurvedic etc. It is science and art of using herbs and essential oils from trees and plants to make use of their medicinal value. Aromatherapy is a practical, safe and inexpensive means of better health. In this method by which essential oils taken from natural aromatic plants, and herbs is taken in crushed form used to enhance the health of a person and also for the emotional well being of person.


Where the concept did came from?

Early Egyptians used this herbs and essential oils to purify their body for life after death in pharaohs. French Chemist Rene Maurice is credited with the origin of the term Aromatherapy. The story of the term Aromatherapy begins with him. It was accidentally this term came into existence. The story of the beginning of this term Aromatherapy is explained in following lines below:

While in the year 1920 he was working in his lab he burned his hand and then to get relief from this severe pain he plunged his arm in lavender essential oil that was the only cold substance around him at that time. This action healed his hand rapidly and here it gave birth to a new science. This French chemist devoted his remaining life in exploring the healing power of natural essential oils and medicinal values of herbs.


What are applications of Aromatherapy?


Aromatherapy is widely used in treatment. It is an accepted system of treatment in many countries. Some of applications of aromatherapy are as:

It can give immediate relief from severe pain as soon as the wounded or burned portion of a person body is brought in contact of cold of herbs and essential oils. Products like lavender are used to treat burn victims while scents are used to recover a person from anxiety and depression.


Essential Oils are high concentrated extracts of plants which are hundred times powerful than the plant itself and can be very efficiently used in treatment. Many types of essential oils are used for their smell only. Example: The scent from plant Eucalyptus is used to provide relief from problems like chest congestion.


Many essential oils are used for their anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory property. Tea tree oil is used to recover from ringworm and fungal infections etc.


Zakat Fitrah Dengan Uang KH Afifuddin Muhajir


Zakat dalam segi istilah adalah harta tertentu yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh orang yang beragama Islam dan diberikan kepada golongan yang berhak menerimanya. Zakat dari segi bahasa berarti 'bersih', 'suci', 'subur', 'berkat' dan 'berkembang'. Menurut ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh syariat Islam.

dan sebentar lagi kita akan memasuki bulan suci Ramadhan dan setalah itu diwajibkan atas semua ummat islam melakukan zakat fitrah, mari simak bersama penjelas KH AFIFUDDIN MUHAJIR tentang ZAKAT FITRAH DENGAN UANG semoga bermanfaat dan barokah Aminn --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

(Podcast) Mengenal Kiai Afifuddin Muhajir Lebih Dekat -- Asmara, Kepribadian dan Pendidikan


(Podcast) Mengenal Kiai Afifuddin Muhajir Lebih Dekat -- Asmara, Kepribadian dan Pendidikan --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:




HARTA YANG SHOLEH DIMILIKI ORANG YANG SHOLEH Ngaji bareng bersama KHR. Ach Azaim ibrahimy dan GUS BAHA --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:


Monday, March 8, 2021



Tausyiah KHR. ACH AZAIM IBRAHIMY pengasuh pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi'iyah sukorejo --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:




HARTA YANG SHOLEH DIMILIKI ORANG YANG SHOLEH Ngaji bareng bersama KHR. Ach Azaim ibrahimy dan GUS BAHA


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Sunday, March 7, 2021



Tausyiah KHR. ACH AZAIM IBRAHIMY pengasuh pondok pesantren salafiyah syafi'iyah sukorejo


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SANTRI HARUS BERPOLITIK Santri adalah murid kiai yang dididik dengan kasih sayang untuk menjadi mukmin yang kuat (yang tidak goyah imannya oleh pergaulan, kepentingan, dan adanya perbedaan

dan santri adalah salah satu pejuang untuk mengabdi kepada ummat,,,hikmad didalam setiap keadaan.


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Perjuangan NU


Tausyiah perjuangan NU oleh KHR Ach Azaim Ibrahimy PP Salafiyah Syafi'iyah sukorejo Situbondo


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Abhim Babond (Trailer)



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Amazing podcast islami


Disini abhim babond akan memberikan edukasi islami kepda kalian semua seputar islam dengan enchor podcast


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Tips for hot weather

Hot weather can lead to dehydration, fatigue, and even illness. Therefore, it is important to know how to cope with hot weather to stay heal...